What is TMJ and How is it Treated?

If you’re experiencing jaw pain, you might have a condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ. It’s fairly common and affects millions of people worldwide, but it’s an annoying and painful condition that interferes with your daily life.
This blog post will answer two common questions; what is TMJ and how is it treated, but we’ll also look at the causes, symptoms and pain relief tips.
TMJ disorders can cause chronic pain but the good news is that treatment is very effective. You might find it hard to enjoy your favourite foods or wake up more often than not with severe pain in your jaw.
These aren’t symptoms you have to live with. Treatment for TMJ dysfunction is non-invasive and fast-acting to alleviate jaw pain, tension and headaches. Keep reading to find out more.
TMJ is a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint. It also affects your jaw muscles and ligaments and is sometimes called temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
The temporomandibular joints connect the jaw muscles to the temporal bones of the skull and control jaw movement. They allow us to move our jaw up and down and side to side.
TMJ disorders can affect the jaw joint, jaw muscles, and surrounding tissues leading to facial pain and neck aches.
The exact cause of your TMJ pain might not be obvious, but we typically see the condition in patients who have jaw joint misalignment, muscle strain, teeth-grinding and jaw-clenching tendencies. Other causes are more apparent; if, for example, you have suffered a jaw injury or an injury to the head or neck.
Statistically speaking, women are more likely to experience TMJ disorders, thought to be due to hormones, jaw structure and vitamin deficiencies associated with pregnancy.
If TMJ disorders run in your family, you may be predisposed to develop the condition at some point. Stress is also a contributing factor.
You might be surprised to hear that one of the most effective treatments for jaw joint pain is anti-wrinkle injections. It’s a temporary treatment that lasts up to 6 months, relief can be felt from 24 hours up to two weeks after treatment as the process begins to work.
The products used in wrinkle-relaxing injections help to relax the jaw and facial muscles. They can also calm any inflammation in the affected area. Treatment works by temporarily blocking the signals between the muscles and the brain, helping to relieve pain.
You will still be able to move your upper and lower teeth and retain jaw movement, so your chewing and biting function will not be inhibited. Treatment merely stops jaw clenching and jaw locking and eases tension within the jaw joints.
Anti-wrinkle injections are one of the best pain relievers for TMJ symptoms, however, to address the condition long-term, you may need to wear custom-made mouthguards and see a physical therapist for advice on jaw exercises to strengthen your jaw joints and muscles.
Over-the-counter medications may also provide some relief. If TMJ dysfunction is due to misalignment of your teeth, an orthodontist will be able to recommend orthodontic treatment.
Many people find that their TMJ disorder comes and goes and find managing their pain with the use of wrinkle-relaxing injections to be the most beneficial and effective treatment.
TMJ disorder is typically diagnosed in someone who is experiencing severe jaw pain, headaches and tension in the facial muscles.
You may already be aware of jaw-clenching or teeth-grinding habits, although these often occur at night when we are asleep. If you wake with facial pain, it could be a sign that your jaw is working overtime while you’re sleeping which is a clear indicator of TMJ disorder.
If you are looking for remedies you can incorporate into your daily life, some of these practices may help relieve the symptoms of TMJ disorder;
-Relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing techniques can help relieve stress
-Better stress management; avoid situations that are known to be stressful
-Improve your sleep, seek ways to get a better night’s rest such as going to bed earlier or taking a bath
-Avoid clenching your jaw joint if you do this out of habit
-Physical therapy can help realign your jaw joints by doing repeated jaw exercises
-Avoid chewing pencils, gum, and hard objects
-Eat soft foods to reduce strain on the jaw joint
-Apply a warm compress to the jaw which can help to reduce pain and inflammation
-Massage therapy and acupuncture can help manage chronic pain and reduce inflammation
Although frustrating, TMJ disorder is often temporary and can be managed with pain relievers. If you’d like to book an appointment to discuss anti-wrinkle injections for TMJ symptoms, please get in touch with Vogue Dental.
You can contact us on 020 3758 7800 or book an appointment online.
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